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Photography 1: Is Available to Grades 9 - 12
This one-year course is designed to instruct students in the fundamentals of digital photography as it deals with seeing photographically, operating cameras, understanding the different genres of photography & Photo History. We will work with chemical photography. but the emphasis is in digital to learn the core principles.
This course will fulfill one Arts/Humanities credit required for high school graduation.
By the end of this course, the student should be able:
To research the history of photography.
To recognize and explore basic camera types and the characteristics of each.
To acquire a vocabulary specific to photography.
To develop skills and responsibility for the care and safe use of photographic equipment and materials.
To apply the principles of basic composition to photography.
To develop the skills of pre-visualization.
To understand critical evaluation criteria.
To acquire skill in negative processing techniques and/or digital image processes.
To acquire skill in printing techniques and/or digital image scanning and printing techniques.
To analyze characteristics of negative, print, and/or digital image quality.
To learn basic photography finishing techniques and/or digital finishing.
To research career opportunities in the photography industry.
Course Outline...
1st Quarter
Introductions, Course Expectations
onLine Digital Portfolio
Lo-Fi Photo
2nd Quarter
Intro to Cameras
Mid Term Exams
3rd Quarter
Action and Art
History Continued
Digital Post Production
4th Quarter
Final Portfolios
Final Exams